When representing a range or span of numbers, use an en dash with no space between the two values.
$1.10 β $5.60
Phone numbers
Use parentheses to separate the area code and a hyphen between the last two sets of numbers. Use the country code only for numbers outside of the US and Canada.
(312) 456-7890
+44 (312) 456-7890
Date and time
For forms and tables, use the numeric format with numbers separated by a forward slash. The month should appear first.
For communication (activity feed, message center, notifications), use abbreviated text for the month. Do not use a β0β in front of days with only one digit. Avoid omitting the year unless completly necessary.
Feb 6, 2023
May 22, 2020
Jul 8, 2016
For time, use numerals and am or pm in lowercase without a space.
Join date and time using βat."
Feb 6 at 9:00am
Jul 8, 2016 at 3:30pm
Abbreviate time zones and include only when necessary.
3:30pm CT
Feb 6, 2023 at 9:00am ET
Jul 8, 2017 at 3:30pm PT
10:04am MT
Use "data as of:" to indicate the freshness of the data.
data as of: Dec 4, 2022 at 12:00am CST
data as of: 3:30pm
data as of yesterday
Use "data thru" to indicated the date range of a data set.
data thru: 01/10/23 - 02/12/23
Feb 6, 2023
May 22, 2023 at 9:00am
3:30pm CT
February 6
9AM on May 22
3:30pm CST
Null values
Use a double-dash (--) if there could be data / information but it is not yet collected. Use n/a when it is not possible to have a value for the field. For CSV or XLS downloads, leave all null fields blank rather than including the double-dash or n/a.
-- media spend
n/a media spend
n/a data spend
-- total spend
n/a media spend
n/a media spend
n/a data spend
n/a total spend
Number formats
Numbers with more than three digits get commas.
For monetary values, use the currency sign in front of the amount and two decimal places to the right.
One exception applies when you need to represent a particular level of accuracy (for example, rates fields in the Planning grid).
Use hyphens to represent negative numbers.
When using a numeric value in a sentence, use the digit instead of spelling out the word.
There are 5 performance issues
There are five performance issues