
Skeleton Loader

The skeleton loader is a temporary placeholder that represents the visual structure of content that is still loading, improving perceived performance.


Skeleton Loader

The skeleton loader is a temporary placeholder that represents the visual structure of content that is still loading, improving perceived performance.


Skeleton Loader

The skeleton loader is a temporary placeholder that represents the visual structure of content that is still loading, improving perceived performance.


  1. Skeleton Loader

  2. Skeleton Cell


The skeleton loader uses a subtle, left to right, gradient animation to indicate background activity.

Best Practices

1. Why us a Skeleton Loader

Skeleton loaders are perceived as loading quicker than blank screens and a spinners.¹ Users are also more likely to wait for content to load if they have a visual representation of what content is coming.³

2. Skeleton Loader vs Loader

Use a skeleton loader when loading larger pieces of content such as tables or lists. Use the loader for smaller, more compact pieces of content such as cards.¹

3. Match the structure

Ensure the loader accurately reflects the final layout of the elements it's replacing, including hierarchy and dimensions.²

4. Quick Loading Times

Don’t use a skeleton loader if the loading time is less than 1 second. Using one can create a strange user experience where a skeleton loader quickly flashes on the screen.¹

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